MSUProj-Dev  0.6-20
Translation instructions

This page contains instructions for translators.


All resources can be translated on the Transifex project page.

MSUProj-Qt Interface (Qt translations)

This resource is represented by the Qt translation file (.ts). This file can be translated in Qt Linguist - it shows a GUI preview with translated strings. For this you need to download MSUProj sources from its GitHub page.

MSUProj-Qt Linux Desktop Entry

This is a Linux Desktop Entry file (.desktop). Transifex offers to translate 3 strings:

So you do not need to translate the "Name" and "Icon" strings, translate only the "GenericName" string.

MSUProj-Qt Manual

This is a doxygen source file. Markdown and HTML tags are used for marking text, so be careful with words that starts with "@" and that are in "<>" brackets.

For example in

@section msuproj-qt_manual MSUProj-Qt Manual

only the "MSUProj-Qt Manual" part should be translated

and in

<em>some italic text</em>

only the "some italic text" part.